Rygar Guide

System: NES

Your Stats

A measure of your current strength. The higher this number, the more damage your attacks will do. This is built up by killing monsters.
Your current experience. Also built up by killing monsters. When it reaches 48 another unit will be added to your maximum HP, and another unit will be added each time this number doubles thereafter (i.e. at 96, 192, and so on).
Built up by gathering the star icons enemies sometimes drop when killed. The single-star icon gives you 1 Mind unit, the double-star icon gives you 3 Mind units. Mind units are used to cast spells (see below). You can hold a maximum of 7 units.

The Spells

Power Up
Increases the reach of your weapon until you are killed. Costs 3 Mind units.
Attack and Assail
For a short time all enemies on the screen will take damage each time you attack. Costs 5 Mind units.
Completely refills your HP. Costs 7 Mind units.

The Items

Grappling Hook
Once you have this item you can press Up and B at any time to launch a grappling hook straight into the air. If it strikes a ceiling (even one that's not visible on the screen) it will catch and hold, allowing you to climb up and hang from it. When standing on a ledge you can press down and B to descend.
Wind Pulley
With this item you can cross chasms that are spanned by ropes. In side-view mode simply walk off the ledge by one end of the rope and the pulley will catch on. In overhead-view mode walk around by one end of the rope; when you hear a "click" sound the pulley is attached and you can cross.
Use this item to shoot a rope across chasms with posts on either side. You can then use the pulley to cross. Stand next to one of the poles and press B to fire the crossbow.
Coat of Arms
Before you have this item some hermits will ask you if you have the Coat of Arms. Once you have it these same hermits will give you a potion to completely refill your HP at any time.
Increases your defensive power, but it's not especially effective.
Once you have this item simply highlight it in the submenu and press B to completely refill your HP at any time. It's only good for one use but you can get another at any time.
Pegasus Flute
This can only be used at one place in the game. Once you have all the items, if you play it at the right location, you'll be given access to the final stage.

General Hints

In the first area you can back yourself up against a wall, duck, and start pounding away at the B button to get some easy Mind points and experience. If you have a turbofire controller you can let it do all the work for you while you go grab a snack.
The Power Up spell only costs 3 Mind points and its effect is permanent (until you're killed), so cast it as soon as you have the necessary points.
Attack and Assail is pretty much a waste of your time. Save your Mind points for the Recover spell.
Partly thanks to sloppy programming, you can jump up in overhead view mode and hit enemies that are actually behind you, without any risk of being hurt yourself.
Can't advance? Maybe there's a platform on the screen above or below you. Toss the grappling hook up to see if it catches anything or lower yourself down if you can.
Try to get to bosses with full Mind points and a healing potion if you can. Wait until your HP is low and then use the healing potion, and then wait for your HP to run low again before using the Recover spell. Budget your strength carefully and you can kill bosses you otherwise wouldn't be ready to face.
One of the best places in the game to get experience quick is in the flying stone islands of Lapis, and you can get to it as soon as you have the grappling hook. Head as far right as you can and launch the grappling hook up to climb to the next screen. You'll be attacked by a lone robot. It'll take many hits to kill but it's worth lots of experience. Then enter the nearby door and when you exit the robot will be back. Kill it again and repeat the process and eventually you'll be strong enough to finish it it (or anything else) in a single hit.
Another excellent place to power up is the Tower of Garba, accessible once you have the crossbow. The snail near the center of the tower reappears each time you leave the screen and return. Go off the right side of the screen, come back in, and start pounding the B button (you may have to take a couple hits before it's dead if you're not strong enough). You can quickly build up enough strength to take the snail out in one hit, and then even the final boss will be easy.


Gran Mountain
Work your way to the right through the first area and into the passes of Gran Mountain. Explore the different doorways you find here, and eventually you'll find a passage to a valley in Garloz.
This is an overhead-view area. Head north, then west through the opening in the cliff. Then go due north and take the right-hand path (shown at right). This will lead you to a hermit who will give you the Grappling Hook.
Rolsa Valley
From there head back south to your starting point, and this time head east. Go north around the upper end of the bay and east through the first opening in the cliff you reach. Enter the doorway just to the north. This should take you to a wall of stones alongside a river in the Rolsa Valley. Proceed all the way to the right to find the entrance to Eruga's Forest.
Eruga's Forest
Head to the right. When you can't move any farther along the forest floor, try throwing the grappling hook up above the screen to climb up to the branches above (shown at right). After a while you'll come upon Eruga's lair.
You should have at least 6 full units on your life bar, a powered-up weapon, and enough Mind points to cast Recover before you enter Eruga's lair. Simply walk up to him and start pounding away at the B button. Don't even make an effort to dodge the projectiles as that will waste precious time. Once he's defeated a portal will open and take you to one of the Gods of Indora, who will give you the Wind Pulley. You'll be returned to Garloz.
Mt. Primeval
Back in Garloz, head to the southernmost peninsula you can reach on foot. Cross the rope on the western side of this peninsula (shown at right) and go west. You'll come across the portal to Mt. Primeval, where flying dragons will attempt to drop eggs on you from above. Head all the way to the right to discover Sagila's Cave.
Sagila's Cave
Work your way to the right and you'll find your way outside again. Further to the right is another entrance to the caves. At the ledges set above shafts in the floor you can use your grappling hook to climb down. Head down to the lowest levels of the caves and you'll find Sagila's web.
He's easy to beat at any level. Simply use the grappling hook to climb all the way up to the center of the ceiling and attack left or right with your weapon to drive him back when he approaches. It might take a minute to finish him but if you're careful you won't even be injured. Your reward is the Crossbow.
Head to the eastern edge of Garloz, past the entrance to Rolsa Valley. You'll find the entrance to an area where you'll be attacked by more dragons. Past here are the flying islands of Lapis. Whenever you can't proceed further, try using the grappling hook to climb up or down to find the next island. The crossbow will allow you to pass chasms with no rope stretched across them. Eventually you'll find your way to Belzar.
You'll want at least 8 HP before you face him. Climb up right next to him and start pounding away. Simply jump straight up over his intermittent shots and keep hitting him. When you beat him you'll be given the Coat of Arms.
Dorago's Palace
Once back in Garloz cross the rope near the entrance to Mt. Primeval, then head north and west. Stand just below the log and use the crossbow to reach the palace. The interior of the palace is a mazelike overhead-view area. It will take time but you shouldn't have too much trouble finding your way to Dorago.
Be sure to have a healing potion before you face him. Stand below and to the side of him and start jumping and hitting him. Try to stay in one place and he should be easily beaten. You'll then receive the Armor.
Tower of Garba
Return to Gran Mountain and climb up near the summit, then head to the right to find the tower. Inside you'll face a series of tough bosses. Your best bet is to use brute force and have enough Mind for a Recover spell as well as a healing potion. You'll want at least 9 HP before you try this place. The reward for beating the dragon at the top is the Pegasus Flute.
Sky Castle
Go back to Rolsa Valley and find the hermit who says you'll need the grappling hook. Use the hook to scale the tower he resides in (shown at right). Once you have all the treasures you can can blow the flute at the top of this tower to open the entrance to Ligar's castle in the sky. Fight your way through its mazelike interior to challenge the final boss.
You're in for a rough time if you face him with anything less than the full 12 HP. You can try to play carefully and dodge his bullets, but this can be difficult. If you can get to him with your Mind points and potion intact, then it's better to just go crazy and keep hitting him in the head, and he should be dead before your HP runs out. Congratulations! Sit back and enjoy your hard-earned ending.

Game Genie Codes

PPPPPP Enemies run from you - by Jay McGavren
ZEVLEY Most enemies disappear as they approach you - by Jay McGavren
PELAGE Enemies are invisible - by unknown author


Copyright © 1997/1998 Jay McGavren. All Rights Reserved.