Guide to IPS Patches

What They Are

When a ROM hacker makes an IPS patch, they use a program to compare two slightly different files (usually an original game ROM and their own hacked ROM), and save a record of all the differences between them to a third file (called a patch file). They then distribute the patch file to others who have the original ROM. When the recipients use a patch program to apply the patch to their original ROM, the program uses the original ROM and the record of all the changes stored in the patch file to build an exact copy of the hacked ROM.

The patch file is usually much smaller than the hacked ROM, and so takes less time to download. But more importantly, the patch file contains only the ROM hacker's work, and so does not infringe on the original game maker's copyright. (Yup, no matter how many changes you make to a ROM, it's illegal to distribute the full ROM because portions of the copyrighted work (graphics, game program, etc.) are still there.) The IPS patch format has become popular out of necessity as much as convenience.

Using SNESTool to Apply Patches
If you're new to PCs and/or emulators, SNESTool is definitely the utility to use since it's menu-based and there are fewer mistakes you can make.
  1. Place SNESTOOL.EXE, your original ROM file (zelda.nes, for example), and the IPS patch file (zelda.ips, for example) all in the same directory. (Decompress them using a utility like PKUNZIP or WinZip if necessary.)
  2. Double-click on SNESTOOL.EXE to run it.
  3. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Use IPS menu item and press Enter to select it.
  4. SNESTool will display a list of all IPS files in the current directory. Highlight the IPS file you want to use (like zelda.ips) and press Enter.
  5. Now SNESTool will display a list of all files (including ROMs, compressed files, IPS patches, and all other files) in the directory. Highlight the ROM the patch was designed for (like zelda.nes) and press Enter. (Make sure not to select a compressed ROM or the IPS patch!) You should be given the message "IPS patched ok." Enjoy your new and improved game!
Using UCON to Apply Patches
UCON's command-line interface makes it a speedy alternative for experienced users. I can't recommend it unless you have some experience with Windows and/or DOS, though.
  1. Place UCON.EXE, your original ROM file (zelda.nes, for example), and the IPS patch file (zelda.ips, for example) all in the same directory. (Decompress them using a utility like PKUNZIP or WinZip if necessary.)
  2. Bring up an MS-DOS prompt. (In Windows 9X, choose MS-DOS Prompt from the Start menu.)
  3. Go to the directory where UCON.EXE, the ROM, and the IPS patch are stored.
  4. Type "ucon i zelda.nes zelda.ips" at the DOS prompt (replace "zelda.nes" with the name of your ROM, and "zelda.ips" with the name of your IPS patch). UCON will run and patch the ROM with the IPS file. You should be given the message "IPS Patch Applied." Give the ROM a test drive!
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